


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Present: Kate Hull-Pease, Chairwoman; Don Blackwell, Jim Meier, Mark Bowns, Judy Erickson

City Staff: Jack Dodge and Jenny Kreifels of Community Development

Vacancies: One Commissioner and One Youth Representative

Absent: none

Guests: Gary Nitschke, Gina Lisak, and Councilmembers Don Thomson and Kerry Garberding,

    Kate called meeting to order at 6:35 PM
  • Don Blackwell read his resignation letter.
  • Judy Erickson resigned verbally.
  • Gina Lisak said she had submitted her application to join the board.
  • Jack Dodge gave a Powerpoint presentation explaining that Park Board should continue to make recommendations even when there are no funds available. He showed an example of a recommendation of a park improvement with cost figures.  He said the trail may be finished as early as April.
  • Staff will no longer advocate for the Park Board. Kate must attend one Council meeting per month to work as Park Board advocate and communicator.
  • Jack said money for parks may come from many different sources, not just the General Fund.
  • Maintenance has been a problem and that is the reason a full time Parks person may be hired soon. Budget has been set up by Jim Morgan and Richard Gould.
  • The Park Board may need to monitor Public Works time sheets to see if any Park work is being considered if not completed.
  • The Clint Steiger Memorial Park is no longer being considered for the City Hall Master Plan according to Don Thomson
  • Jack will try to get the 2020-2023 Parks Plan ready for the Council for the January 6 meeting.
  • The new County Line trailhead has received donation(s) by veterans organizations.

        The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM

A complete audio recording for this meeting can be found at...



 Mark Bowns, Secretary